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Therapist in Westchester

What is therapy?

As defined by the American Psychological Association, psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties.


But what does this actually mean to our practice?


At In Pursuit Of Progress Therapy, we envision the therapeutic process as:


the unfolding of one’s story in connection with an entrusted professional; often with the desire to come to know oneself on a deeper level and/or to empower a person to make vital shifts in alignment with personal growth and self-acceptance


There is something to be said of the fact that change happens when the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change.


However, while our stories will undoubtedly include painful periods of grief, disillusionment, anguish and anxiety, the complex journey that is the human experience is made up of so much more than those difficult moments. Joy, elation, curiosity and wonder are also feelings that we may observe needing just as much help to navigate. Sparks of inspiration such as exploring core beliefs, building upon prior self-discovery or learning to create a sense of safety within can also be precursors to seeking therapy.


In other words, each person’s journey is their own. Our practice’s story is built around meeting the needs of our clients. Your story is yours to tell. And it is your [courageous] choice to take that vulnerable first step towards finding someone you can begin to build trust with and open up to.

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